Search Results
The Design of a Reliable and Secure Operating System by Andrew Tanenbaum
Andrew Tanenbaum - MINIX 3: A Reliable and Secure Operating System - Codemotion Rome 2015
CACM Mar. 2016 - Lessons Learned from 30 Years of MINX
Alan Kay and Andrew Tanenbaum Refute Bloatware
Why Linus Torvalds doesn't use Ubuntu or Debian
Andrew Tanenbaum in one word
Linus Torvalds "Nothing better than C"
A reimplementation of NetBSD based on a microkernel by Andy Tanenbaum
Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems: about giving instructions to a system (device, computer)
Solution Manual to Modern Operating Systems, 5th Edition, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos
Andrew S. Tanenbaum: The Impact of MINIX
Andrew Tanenbaum clip